Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

I had a great Mother's Day! Mac fixed breakfast. Alex and I went to Indiana to see my mom, and to pick Cole up. He didn't want to come home! I got a heart necklace that says, "I love you mom". My mom took Cole to pick it out. She said he walked up to the jewelry counter at JcPenney and handed the sales clerk a dollar. He looked at her and told her he wanted to buy his mommy some diamonds! Now isn't that just precious!!
I also got to spend some time with my cousin and my sister in law while in Indiana. My nephew had stayed all night with my mom also.
We rode horses Saturday. That was alot of fun!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It has been a few weeks since I have been on here. We have been busy, busy, busy!!! I know one thing...I am so tired of rain! It isn't raining today so we might actually get to ride horses this evening! We only have 3 weeks of school left. I am getting excited! I can't wait until summer break! I plan on doing lots of fun things with the kids this summer.
My dad is finally out of the hospital! He still has a long recovery road ahead of him, though. He is happy to be home. I am happy for him.
Cole is Indiana this week! He and I went up to visit last weekend. He decided he wanted to stay with Grandma instead of come home with me. They have been having a good time. I am going to get him Saturday sometime. I miss the little booger!
TaTa for now!

Monday, April 27, 2009

It has been a long Monday! We spent all weekend at the ball park. Sydney had a fast pitch tourney, and Alex had a baseball game on Saturday. My face got burnt!! I look like Rudolph!
It was absolutely beautiful this weekend! Church was awesome yesterday! The Palmer Sisters sang and the guest speaker was Jason Bradshaw. Chruch was crwoded!!
After church, The boys and I went to the park to watch Syd play. Her team went undefeated for the weekend!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Well, it has been a rather wet April! Alex and Sydney have both started playing ball so Mac and I run all the time! We had baseball pictures Saturday at the park. When we got home from that we rode horses all afternoon. It was so much fun! We love our horses!!
It rained all day Sunday, so we were stuck indoors all day! It was a good day to curl up on the couch with a blanket and a good book. I even took a nap.
My dad had to have surgery again Sunday. He has had 3 surgeries in the past month! He is such a fighter. Hopefully it will be all uphill from here on out for him. He will be in the hospital for several weeks, though.
Alex was supposed to have a game last night, but it was rained out. That makes 2 out of his first 3 games were rained out. He had a game last Thursday. They lost, but he got a hit that short hopped the fence! We were so excited!! He plays again this Saturday. Mac and I are coaching his team. It has been fun so far. We are the yankees! Yes, we are huge Yankee fans!! We have a dog named Jeter and a dog named Joba.
Talk to you soon!
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

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Christina, Holly, Sherwin.jpg

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